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Bologna, Sunday 18th – Thursday 22nd of June, 2017

Scholars are invited to submit panels through this forms by March 31, 2017.

The European Academy of Religion aims:

  1. to offer an exchange platform to Academies and scientific Societies, Research Centers and Institutions, University Labs and Clusters, and qualified Journals, Scientific Publishers and Media;

  2. to act as an inclusive network of networks open to all disciplines in the European and Mena Countries as well as in the Balkans, Caucasus, and Russia,in order to support their exchange and cooperation;

  3. to provide an open space to those who work in the production and/or dissemination of knowledge in and of the religious field;

  4. to give voice to religious anthropology, archeology, arts, conflicts, cults, doctrines, exegesis, experiences, history, institutions, laws, philology, philosophy, psychology, theologies, texts, and all the disciplines with an academic status in the universities or research centers, with their own distinctive and specific epistemological traditions;

  5. to be an instrument to make visible the academic institutions and centers of a very large and diverse set of disciplines to the public opinion and decision makers through a public, open-access web platform and an annual convention;

  6. to adopt an inclusive approach and encourage disciplinary and interdisciplinary research in the perspective of open research, cultural diplomacy, dialogue among thinkers, peaceful relationships among cultural systems, and intellectual international cooperation.

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